The truth of Toward the Light

First, a moment of hovering in the uncertainty of nothingness; then the Light descends gently through ether; it takes root and forms a core in narrow hearts; then it can grow, then we can live


I sense in me two voices: The world’s and God’s:

The voice of the world seeks greatness and approval in the world; at the voice of God, people retreat, and I am alone.

At the voice of God, the voice of the world rises like a wave of darkness intending to stifle it, drown it out and silence it.

Now: Should I, then, join and celebrate the lie in the square, or should I proclaim the truth, even if to no one?

Revelation. Message. Truth.

In the name of the Lord our God!

Toward the Light is a Revelation – a message to humanity from the transcendental world. God was the supreme leader of the work and breakthrough of the Light in the transcendental world which led to the emergence of the work and subsequent commandments to all people. The Lord our God thus vouches for the truth of the entire content and message.

The God who comes to meet us here is an infinite Power of Light and Loveand He is an infinitely gentle God, Lord and Father, who is very close to every human being, as we all carry His image and reality in our hearts.   God is forever only a prayer away and as near as a prayer.

To God, the Thought – the primarily female aspect – and the Will – the primarily male aspect – are of equal strength and weight. Therefore, God is as much a female as a male Personality. But since He has been adopted into the language as the form of address of God, I will use that here.

Love is the foundation of life. And it is the life-nerve and essence of the Light – the universally triumphant Power of God’s emanation, as stated in the First Supplement, no. 39. Thus, love is the strongest Power of the Universe, a Power which only the all-loving God masters to perfection.

There is no damnation although some think so. No one will stay in the dark forever. Not even Satan (Ardor), who returned to the Light, love and God in 1912, broken-hearted by grief and remorse. Ardor returned to God out of a few people’s pity for his suffering, which was very intense; pity and a prayer for his peace and salvation.

When the grief and remorse awoke in Ardor’s darkened mind and heart because of the understanding and prayer of these few people, and he asked the Almighty for forgiveness, God forgave him immediately, whereupon he, Ardor, could return to God’s embrace and care. With this event, which was long missed and desired by the powers of Light, the power of Darkness was broken forever.

The fact that the 20th and, so far, also the 21st century, have nevertheless been so unsettled and remain characterised by war, suffering, distress and misery is partly due to the rockfall of darkness set in motion by the fall of the Eldest (the Eldest are a group of spirits described thoroughly in Toward the Light); a rockfall which must subside and end, but which man can help soften and stop by – as God did – forgiving him who bears the primary responsibility for the suffering and darkness of the world, Ardor, and by not remaining unappreciative and dismissive of God’s Revelation.

And that is the primary message of Toward the Light: To find a shorter road to the Light and God for all people – through love, mercy and forgiveness. If people in great numbers, or all of humanity, tread this path, much human suffering would be avoided or at least alleviated.

But God forces no one to tread this path, and no one should force his neighbour. Everyone must seek compassion, sympathy for the suffering of those who have fallen the deepest, in their own heart, and offer forgiveness freely and from the depths of their hearts. Only then will it have value and be real – to Ardor and to us.

One of the most important laws under which we humans live is the Law of Retribution or karma. This Law is given by God, but it was not given to punish us or to bring us needless suffering. God has given us the Law to teach us the consequences of our thoughts, speech and actions – for better or for worse – by reflecting or mirroring everything we do in ourselves.

Through the Law, we slowly learn the difference between light and darkness, good and evil – as we reap, from the seed of the Light, the happiness and peace and joy of what we have sown, while the weeds of darkness cause us suffering, distress and misery.

I have elaborated on this previously, for example in About the Law of Retribution and God and Man.

In addition to the religious part of Toward the Light, the Revelation contains many scientific, philosophical and ethical signs; information about the origin and structure of the universe, the origin of the cell, an extended theory of the elementary particles, the difference between the evolution of humans and animals (and plants) (as man moves away from the original seeds of life (given by the Eldest) while animals and plants move towards the original seeds of life (given by God)), the existence of all creation by virtue of the Divine Thought and Will, thoughts against all forms of racism (since we are all children of God, and we are all of infinite, inalienable and unique value, and no race (or religious community) is the preference of God), an idea of peace formulated to its maximum, which includes an appeal to make eternal peace between all the peoples and nations of the Earth and to stop all research, production and use of weapons of all kinds, and much, much more.

All these thoughts, messages, truths and all this wisdom bear the Name and Authority of God Almighty; they are given to humans by the powers of Light in accordance with His wishes and Will and under His supreme leadership of everything, and therefore, they all constitute the truth.

However, as mentioned, God forces no one to take His road and path, and He forces no one to come unto the knowledge of truth. But it is in our own interest to understand and follow the shorter road He is pointing out and showing us to spare ourselves and one another much unneeded suffering, and to enable us to find peace and rest faster in His embrace and infinite love.

We should therefore follow the shorter road – for the sake of God, but especially for our own sake. We should put an end to all strife and the perpetual religious, political and economic disputes between us by recognising that they, indeed, serve no purpose and are not in our interest. We should take the road, hand in hand as brothers and sisters; the road which does not end until it reaches the Kingdom of God, Paradise, where life and blessedness truly begin!


I intend to continue to bring truth from the rich, inexhaustible source of Toward the Light, and, on the basis given by God, keep seeking for news for the benefit and prosperity of man.

Even if the world turns away, or just shrugs incomprehensibly, or perhaps mocks what is offered here – and particularly in that case: Whether people will receive or reject all that which is given by Toward the Light, which is given by the authority of the Almighty, and given with so much hope and with so much effort and willingness to help; that is, whether the given will be received in the spirit in which it was given, or whether it will be rejected – it nevertheless remains the truth.

You, who are reading this, and who may seriously seek to understand it, should neither receive nor reject it, or Toward the Light, until having carefully thought through everything. 

Once you have done so, you should bring your thoughts before the court of your conscience, or before the God to whom you may profess in hand, spirit, speech and heart. When He has answered, you should act upon His speech, however you perceive it; not for the sake of God, or me, but for your own sake!